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Tag: Vegetables

Could A High-Protein Diet Cause Constipation?

Constipation is common with high-protein diets. Usually, there isn’t enough fiber since carbs are often restricted. However, adequate fiber intake prevents constipation. For a rich source of protein and fiber, eat beans and nuts. Veggies like asparagus, leafy greens, and cucumbers are high in fiber but low in carbs. When you do eat carbohydrates, choose fruits with fiber. This will ensure regular bowel movements.

7 Ways To Use Potatoes For Skin Discoloration

A potato face mask can naturally treat discoloration. It’s a cheaper alternative to harsh chemical creams! For a simple method, massage potato slices into your skin. You can also use puréed potato for a creamy leave-in mask. Adding lemon juice or strawberries provide vitamin C for your skin. To remove dead skin cells, make a scrub by adding sugar or baking soda. Or use potato juice and green tea to control acne and hyperpigmentation.

9 Easy Ways To Treat Boils Using Garlic

Add garlic to foods like soups to consume garlic. Apply a paste of garlic cloves to the boils. You can also use garlic onion paste or garlic turmeric paste. Placing a heated garlic on the infected area, applying garlic oil or garlic and eucalyptus oil, washing the boils with water boiled with garlic cloves are effective ways to treat boils.
foods that are unsafe to reheat

7 Common Foods You Should Never Reheat Without Caution

Reheated leftovers can raise disease risk, especially when not cooked or stored right. Refrigerate potatoes right after cooking to prevent botulism and refrigerate chicken and eggs within 2 hours of cooking. Reheat them evenly and thoroughly at 165°F. While leftover oil must always be discarded, you can refrigerate cooked rice and mushrooms soon after cooking and preserve for a day.

5 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Throughout The Day

Water forms a major component of your body composition. You are required to drink an adequate quantity of water each day to keep yourself hydrated and fresh, maintain essential body functions, keep the blood pressure and sugar levels under check, keep your body temperature intact, and compensate for the water lost through sweating and urination. Drink as much flavored water as you can. Salads with fresh produce also contain a lot of water.
Foods low in calories

10 Foods You Can Eat A Lot Of Without Gaining Weight

When you eat food rich in proteins and fiber, you feel full for a longer time. This prevents overeating after meals. Protein-rich foods like eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, and broth based foods, help to reduce the calorie intake throughout the day by keeping you full. Legumes, vegetables, and citrus foods are rich in fiber and keep you full by slowing down the digestion process and absorption of carbohydrates. Resistant starch in potatoes helps to satisfy hunger.
health benefits of okra

12 Health Benefits Of Okra That Will Make You Love Greens

A good filler food, okra not only curbs hunger but keeps you from tiring, too. It also strengthens your immunity against conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, Alzheimer’s, liver disease, breast cancer, and asthma. Being rich in vitamins A, C, and K, it helps fortify bones while also improving your eyesight. Experiment with okra water, peels, and powdered seeds to see what suits you best.

10 Superfoods That Will Give You The Skin Of Your Dreams

Expensive face creams won’t be able to salvage your skin if you eat fries all day. If you’re still not convinced about eating well...

10 Foods That Are Known To Make A Child Smarter

Your kids may be fussy eaters, but their brains love good food. The right diet, high in Omega 3 fatty acids can provide their...

Top 15 Alkaline Foods That Can Prevent Cancer, Heart Disease, And Obesity

You body is originally alkaline and is meant to stay so. But increased dependence on processed and junk food has drastically altered the pH...

7 Foods You Should Avoid Reheating As Much As Possible

Convenience often gets the upper hand over taste or nutrition. In today's world, people are finding it too difficult or even feel lazy to fit...

10 Natural Remedies For Throbbing Headaches

A headache – What is the big deal about it? Isn’t it weird that ‘Headache’ is mostly considered as an excuse than an issue? While...

How To Clean Your Arteries Naturally

Follow the Mediterranean diet plan that is naturally rich in fiber and low in cholesterol. Cut back on sugar, salt and replace butter with healthy fats such as olive oil. Enjoy artery-friendly foods and herbs like chickpeas, pomegranates, oats, avocado, garlic, saffron, turmeric, calamus. Rev up your metabolism with aerobic exercises and resistance training. Quit smoking!

Matching Your Body Parts To Their Best Veggie Mates!

Eating right isn't just about eating healthy. It's just as important to ensure you're eating the right vegetables to keep each part of your body working well. For instance, getting in those green leafy veggies will keep your bones strong, but your skin may need sweet potatoes while you heart might favor tomatoes! Once you've worked out the nutrient math, all you need to do is match the right vegetables to each body part to keep those wheels turning.

8 Refreshing Reasons To Include Cucumbers In Your Daily Diet

Cucumbers have a rich nutritional profile along with an impressive list of health benefits. They can nourish your skin and hair, and even reduce your...