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7 Health Benefits Of Raspberries You Should Know Of

Regular consumption of raspberries may prevent the loss of memory caused due to aging. In addition this, its antioxidant content may aid in lowering blood sugar levels, improving heart health, preventing cancer, and reducing the signs of aging. The low-calorie nature of raspberries make them a good diet snack.

7 Health Benefits Of Lemons: Reasons To Zest Up Your Diet

Vitamin C in lemons lowers the risk of ischemic stroke and heart disease, reduces the symptoms and duration of a cold, and keeps skin healthy. Citric acid in them improves absorption of iron from plant-based food sources and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Besides this, plant compounds in lemons act as antioxidants and aids weight loss and prevents cancer.
Health benefits of elderberry tea.

Health Benefits Of Elderberry Tea: 9 Reasons To Savor A Cuppa!

Elderberry tea has antioxidant properties and can strengthen your immune system. It helps you fight the flu and cold and may ease constipation, pain, and depression. It’s also good for your heart as it can counter HDL dysfunction and help manage your blood sugar levels.
Health benefits of strawberries.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Strawberries: Berry Power Every Time!

Whether you’re trying to bring down cholesterol levels, manage diabetes better, ward off dementia, or even fight cancer, strawberries could help substantially. These nutrient-rich berries are antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory and can help your bones stay strong, your skin look better, and even beat allergies and inflammatory conditions.
Lemons are good for diabetics because of their vitamin C and fiber content.

Are Lemons Good For Diabetes? 5 Impressive Benefits

Lemons are loaded with fiber, vitamin C, and potassium that have heart benefits for diabetics. Vitamin C in lemons could also regulate glucose levels. Even ayurveda recommends kickstarting your metabolism with some warm water and lemon juice every morning, so why not give it a go?

6 Foods You Should Avoid To Prevent Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that results in the production of plaques of thickened, scaling skin. It is a non-contagious condition and the...

Boost Your Hair Growth Naturally With Guava Leaves

You can say goodbye to your damaged hair and hair fall problems naturally with guava leaves. Rich in vitamins B and C and antioxidants, guava leaves can promote hair growth when boiled in water and massaged onto the scalp. Mix them with coconut oil, amla, and curry leaves and use the oil as desired.

8 Home Remedies For Heartburn And Indigestion Relief

Antacids aren’t the only treatments for heartburn and indigestion. For a simpler option, use pure calcium carbonate, the major active ingredient in antacids. The enzymes in papaya will soothe digestive problems, too. Herbs like ginger, licorice root, and dandelion can calm digestive muscles and pain. If you have indigestion without heartburn, take peppermint. Many people find relief from water with a bit of baking soda, but don’t overdo it. Chewing gum may also relieve burning from heartburn.

Amazing Medicinal Uses And Benefits Of Plantain Herb

Plantain is a small plant that is generally considered as an invasive weed. It grows wildly in many parts of North America and is commonly found in the backyards of most people’s houses. There are mainly two varieties of this herb, both of which contain many medicinal properties. It has been used for centuries to treat cuts, burns, and has been scientifically proven as an effective treatment for numerous diseases.

10 Natural Foods That Protect You From Heart Attacks

Your heart literally beats every day of your life, making it literally the hardest organ in the body. The intake of junk food, oily snacks, pastries, bread, foods laden with sugar, and salt can cause artery clogging in your heart. Adding nuts like walnuts and seeds like flaxseed, olive and flaxseed oil, avocados, fatty fish, foods rich in folic acid like cereals and lentils, asparagus and broccoli, dark green vegetables like the spinach, whole grains, and onion & garlic are excellent food sources for keeping your arteries clean naturally. Apple cider vinegar contributes to healthy veins, blood vessels, and arteries.
(Some food reduce uric acid levels and some increase it

10 Foods That Keep Uric Acid Levels In Check

If the uric acid levels in your bloodstream are too high, it can lead to a common form of arthritis called gout. You need...

7 Ways To Use Potatoes For Skin Discoloration

A potato face mask can naturally treat discoloration. It’s a cheaper alternative to harsh chemical creams! For a simple method, massage potato slices into your skin. You can also use puréed potato for a creamy leave-in mask. Adding lemon juice or strawberries provide vitamin C for your skin. To remove dead skin cells, make a scrub by adding sugar or baking soda. Or use potato juice and green tea to control acne and hyperpigmentation.

5 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Throughout The Day

Water forms a major component of your body composition. You are required to drink an adequate quantity of water each day to keep yourself hydrated and fresh, maintain essential body functions, keep the blood pressure and sugar levels under check, keep your body temperature intact, and compensate for the water lost through sweating and urination. Drink as much flavored water as you can. Salads with fresh produce also contain a lot of water.

6 Easy Ayurvedic Remedies To Get Rid Of Gray Hair

If you are struggling to control premature gray hair issues, try natural remedies like a combination of henna and amla or shikakai with amla. Other options are massaging your scalp with onion juice or castor oil. Apply a mix of buttermilk and curry leaves on your scalp and the length of your hair as well.

6 Reasons Why You Should Add Bananas To Your Oatmeal

Bananas are one of the most easily available and nutritious foods. Many of us have underestimated the health benefits of a banana. From reducing the risk of cardiac disease to improving digestion, having a banana a day is essential for your overall health. The best way to have it though is in combination with a nutritious grain like oatmeal.