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5 Ways Baking Soda Can Help You Lose Arm, Thigh, Belly, And Back Fat

Baking soda is a wonderful white powder that can help you lose weight. You can use baking soda in various ways to shed the extra fat. Baking soda can be used to make sports drink, you can use it with lemon juice, green tea, and apple cider vinegar. You can also make your favorite strawberry smoothie using baking soda.
Easy Home Remedies To Remove Moles

5 Easy Home Remedies To Remove Moles

Are the moles on your skin affecting the way you look and feel about yourself? Sunlight, teenage, or pregnancy may lead to clustered melanocytes (cells responsible for skin color), thus causing moles on skin. Apple cider vinegar, baking soda and castor oil, garlic, banana peel, and aloe vera gel are the natural ways that you can opt for to remove such non-cancerous lesions on your skin.
These tips will help get you moving and keep you active.

11 Clever Tips To Get In Shape That Lazy People Will Appreciate

These tips focus on adding little bits of activity throughout the day. Find at least 20 minutes to squeeze in a workout session. Take the stairs and park your car further away from the destination. Eliminate one unhealthy food from your diet. Try incorporating dance and music into your exercise. Use a long phone call as an opportunity to go for a walk. A little bit of activity every day is better than not being active at all.
Foods low in calories

10 Foods You Can Eat A Lot Of Without Gaining Weight

When you eat food rich in proteins and fiber, you feel full for a longer time. This prevents overeating after meals. Protein-rich foods like eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, and broth based foods, help to reduce the calorie intake throughout the day by keeping you full. Legumes, vegetables, and citrus foods are rich in fiber and keep you full by slowing down the digestion process and absorption of carbohydrates. Resistant starch in potatoes helps to satisfy hunger.

Benefits Of Brahmi Amla Oil For Healthy Hair

Hair fall and other hair related problems commonly affect many people around the world. Often, natural and inexpensive alternatives such as brahmi-amla hair oil are more effective in treating these problems. Alopecia, premature graying, dandruff and many other problems can be cured and prevented by using brahmi-amla hair oil. Some major hair conditions that can be treated with brahmi-amla hair oil are mentioned here.
Health Benefits Of Olive Oil Leaf Extract

8 Health Benefits Of Olive Leaf Extract And How To Use It

Olive leaves reduce inflammation, thanks to a high antioxidant content. Studies using olive leaf extracts have found that they protect the heart by lowering high blood pressure and preventing the formation of plaques in arteries, lower glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity, improve symptoms of arthritis, and may even prevent and treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. The extract can be taken in a dose of 500–1000 mg daily.
health benefits of bee pollen

7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Bee Pollen

Bee pollen can fight inflammation, give you an antioxidant boost, treat iron deficiency anemia, protect your liver, fight infections, help with allergies, and improve menopausal symptoms. But it can cause severe allergic reactions and is not suitable if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

Top 15 Alkaline Foods That Can Prevent Cancer, Heart Disease, And Obesity

You body is originally alkaline and is meant to stay so. But increased dependence on processed and junk food has drastically altered the pH...
Ayurvedic tips for healthy skin

7 Ayurvedic Tips For Healthy Skin And A Natural Glow

Did you know that Ayurveda has skin care remedies to match any commercially available cosmetics from the 21st century? These natural treatments are gentle on the skin and nourish the body, helping skin heal and replenish itself, keeping it looking supple and youthful, and slowing aging. So why not rustle up a homemade exfoliating powder or a nourishing fruit cream or face pack instead of using something out of a jar?

How To Clean Your Arteries Naturally

Follow the Mediterranean diet plan that is naturally rich in fiber and low in cholesterol. Cut back on sugar, salt and replace butter with healthy fats such as olive oil. Enjoy artery-friendly foods and herbs like chickpeas, pomegranates, oats, avocado, garlic, saffron, turmeric, calamus. Rev up your metabolism with aerobic exercises and resistance training. Quit smoking!

10 Alkaline Foods To Clean, Repair, And Regenerate New Cells

The foods that you eat could be acidic, alkaline or neutral, based on which the pH levels of your body keeps changing. Alkaline foods are...

Which Type Of Banana Is Good For Your Health?

Ripe yellow are high in natural sugars and antioxidants. They're also easily digested. Unripe green bananas are rich in nutrients, contain resistant starch, and are low in sugar. Unlike ripe bananas, they are apt for diabetics and people who want to lose weight. When had in moderation, both types are good for health.

5 Natural Ways To Improve Digestion

Hot water, stewed apples, rest, eating discipline, and physical activity keep your digestive tract up and running. Sip hot water throughout the day, not only when you wake. Substitute cold cereals or toast and eggs with stewed apples for breakfast. Activate your salivary and stomach glands by managing daily stress triggers. Exercise regularly and eat only when hungry.

24 Foods You Should Never Refrigerate

You just hit the grocery store and your fridge is overflowing. But do all those things actually belong in the refrigerator? Cold storage is a...

6 Excellent Home Remedies For Wrinkly, Aging Skin

We are all concerned about our aging skin at some point of our lives. But not all of us can afford expensive cosmetic procedures, and we don't need to either. These 6 simple home remedies with ingredients like olive oil, fenugreek, yogurt, apple cider vinegar, and papaya will energize your skin and keep it young and wrinkle-free.