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Common Causes Of Mouth Ulcers

A mouth ulcer is an ulcer on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, usually appears as a small, painful lesion, white or pink in color. Mouth ulcers are very common occurring in association with different diseases and by many different mechanisms.

They may form individually or multiple ulcers may appear at the same time. Mouth ulcers often cause pain and discomfort and may make eating, drinking, and talking uncomfortable. Women, adolescents, and people with a family history of mouth ulcers are at higher risk for developing mouth ulcers.

Although they are uncomfortable, they are usually harmless and go within 1-2 weeks. Rarely there is any serious underlying cause detected. However, if these ulcers are large, painful or last for a long time without healing then you should seek professional medical advice for further treatment.

Types Of Mouth Ulcers

There are mainly 3 types of mouth ulcers.

1. Minor Aphthous Ulcer

These are small, round or oval and most common type of mouth ulcer. They are less than 10 mm in size and heal within one to two weeks with no scarring. They are not very painful.

Major Aphthous Ulcer

They are larger in size (usually 10mm or larger) and deeper than minor ones. Usually, 1 or 2 appear at a time. They are very painful and can take up to six weeks to heal. They leave scar while healing.

3. Herpetiform Ulcer

Multiple ulcers occur at the same time but some may join together and form irregular shapes. They appear in the clusters of 10 to 100. Each ulcer lasts 1 week to 2 months.

Symptoms Of Mouth Ulcer

These are:

Causes Of Mouth ulcers

Even though there are no fixed causative factors that cause mouth ulcers, still, there are few factors that may act as a trigger. These factors may be classified into three categories.

1. General Causes

2. Mechanical Causes

Apart from general causes, mechanical factors are main responsible factors that cause mouth ulcers. This includes:

3. Systemic Causes

According to NCBI, mouth ulcers may be associated with certain disease conditions. There may be certain systemic and iatrogenic causes responsible for it. Such as:

Drugs And Medication

Mouth ulcers can be caused by certain medications or treatment. Such as:

Self-Care For Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are the self-limiting condition, usually, they tend to clear up by themselves within a week or two. However, self-care and home remedies may ease pain and discomfort. These are:

In spite of these self-care measures if you see any worsening of the condition, then it is advisable to seek medical attention. Treating the underlying cause is a must for proper relief.

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