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Almost every part of neem has health benefits.

12 Health Benefits Of Neem Leaves: An Ancient Remedy For Your All-Round Health

Almost every part of neem has medicinal properties. The leaves can lower blood sugar, control blood pressure, and help treat acne, dandruff, and psoriasis. The seed oil works as a mosquito repellent and treats skin infections too. Meanwhile, the bark fights intestinal ulcers and dental plaque.
how to get rid of a boil

7 Simple Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Boils

Boils form as a result of bacterial infections of a hair follicle or sebaceous gland. Heat application with Epsom salts is a good way to increase blood flow to the boil and get rid of it. Herbal remedies like turmeric and neem paste also work in helping boils resolve. Crushed garlic application is also an effective remedy. Many have found drinking tea with black seed oil to be useful in getting rid of boils too.

8 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Boils On The Butt And Thighs

Boils on the butt and inner thighs arise due to improper hygiene, sweat retention or hormonal changes. Some simple yet effective home remedies like crushed garlic, neem leaves, turmeric, apple cider vinegar and many others can help these boils heal. They also prevent the recurrence of these boils.